Laser Cannon 3

Laser Cannon 3
Laser Cannon 3

Developer Company: HyperCarrot
Published: March 3, 2022
Game Technology: HTML5, JavaScript
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

About Laser Cannon 3

Get ready to dive into the exhilarating world of Laser Cannon 3, where new levels, an upgraded laser machine, and a host of quirky monsters await you. This latest installment has upped the ante with its fresh features, making it more captivating than ever. The monsters are back, and it's your mission to thwart their invasion. Launch Laser Cannon 3 and brace yourself for intense battles across numerous levels. Each stage demands your full attention and laser-shooting prowess. These cunning creatures won't just stand still; they'll dodge, hide, and even taunt you. But in their alien world, their antics won't save them from their fate. Utilize the items scattered across each level to your advantage. For instance, you might find a barrel packed with explosives that can obliterate nearly all the monsters in one go. However, don't be hasty with these explosive barrels; think strategically. The monsters aren't going anywhere, but that barrel could be crucial for your success.

Engaging with Laser Cannon 3 not only delivers a thrilling gaming experience but also sharpens your strategic thinking. The game challenges you to make swift decisions, a skill that can be useful in real-life scenarios. With a variety of levels, each presenting unique obstacles, the game remains fresh and intriguing. The humorous monsters add a delightful twist, making it enjoyable for gamers of all ages. If you're on the hunt for a game that's both fun and mentally stimulating, Laser Cannon 3 is your go-to choice.

How to Play Laser Cannon 3?

  • Use the mouse to aim.
  • Click the mouse to shoot.

Video Gameplay - Laser Cannon 3