Bacteria Monster Shooter

Bacteria Monster Shooter
Bacteria Monster Shooter

Developer Company:
Published: August 17, 2021
Game Technology: HTML5, Javascript
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android

About Bacteria Monster Shooter

Step into the role of a cutting-edge doctor in the thrilling game Bacteria Monster Shooter. Your mission is to eradicate viruses using a specialized medical cannon that fires unique capsules. Each direct hit on a virus results in its annihilation. The twist? You have a limited arsenal of just two hundred coin capsules, so every shot counts. To assist you, a trajectory line appears after each shot, helping you refine your aim for the next one. Your ultimate objective is to obliterate all the monsters in each level and rack up as many points as possible. Bacteria Monster Shooter is a browser-based game accessible from a variety of gadgets and devices, all for free. Dive into this game with your friends and share the excitement!

Engaging in Bacteria Monster Shooter not only offers fun but also hones your strategic thinking and precision. The game's innovative concept of combating viruses with a medical cannon provides a fresh take on problem-solving. The limited capsule supply pushes you to manage your resources wisely. Additionally, the game's compatibility with multiple devices makes it a perfect choice for gaming on the move. Lastly, Bacteria Monster Shooter offers a platform for friends to enjoy a shared gaming experience, strengthening social bonds.

How to Play Bacteria Monster Shooter?

  • Utilize the mouse or touch controls to play.

Video Gameplay - Bacteria Monster Shooter