Space Shooter Alien

Space Shooter Alien
Space Shooter Alien

Developer Company: Sugar87
Published: May 22, 2020
Game Technology: HTML5, Construct 2
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android

About Space Shooter Alien

Space Shooter Alien is a thrilling browser-based game that throws you into the heart of an intergalactic war. As the tension between neighboring planets escalates, you are summoned to join the fray and support one side in this cosmic showdown. Your objective? Annihilate every alien foe that dares to challenge you, with the persistence of a fly on a mission. Gather various types of ammunition, enhance your spacecraft, and collect valuable gems to embark on the longest journey imaginable. But beware, fuel is a scarce resource, so keep a close watch on your reserves. Navigate through a hazardous field of space debris and bombs, reminiscent of the classic arcade games from yesteryears.

The stakes are raised when it's discovered that our neighboring planets are the ones launching attacks on our ships. It's time to rally your fleet and retaliate. Channel the bravery and resolve of our forebears as you dive into this epic space conflict. With straightforward controls that include touch or click navigation, automatic firing, and touch control on mobile devices, Space Shooter Alien is a game that will challenge your abilities and keep you engaged.

Diving into Space Shooter Alien offers a multitude of benefits. Beyond mere entertainment, this game enhances your hand-eye coordination and reaction speed. The strategic aspects of the game can also sharpen your problem-solving skills. Additionally, the nostalgic arcade-style gameplay provides a charming trip down memory lane. So why delay? Start playing Space Shooter Alien today and enjoy these perks while having a blast!

How to Play Space Shooter Alien?

  • Move your ship using the ARROW keys on your keyboard.

Video Gameplay - Space Shooter Alien