Cricket Hero

Cricket Hero
Cricket Hero

Developer Company: RavalMatic
Published: September 27, 2018
Game Technology: HTML5, Javascript
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

About Cricket Hero

Cricket Hero immerses you in the thrilling realm of cricket, offering an addictive online sports experience. Your mission is to protect your wickets from your opponent's onslaught using a flat bat. This game demands strategic foresight, requiring you to analyze the field and predict the ball's path before making your move. The pressure is on—miss a hit, and your opponent gains points. A few missed shots could spell the end of your round. Are you ready to rise to the challenge and become the next cricket legend? Pick up your bat, start smashing those balls, and aim for a record-breaking score. But stay alert! Balls, eggs, and other objects will come flying at you from all angles and at different speeds. Miss three consecutive hits, and it's game over!

Cricket Hero isn't just a game; it's a test of strategy and quick reflexes. It sharpens your hand-eye coordination and hones your strategic thinking. The competitive edge of the game pushes you to constantly improve and aim for higher scores. Additionally, it's a fantastic way to familiarize yourself with cricket and its rules. Whether you're a die-hard cricket fan or a casual gamer, Cricket Hero promises an engaging and enjoyable experience.

How to Play Cricket Hero?

  • Tap or click to strike the balls.