Acme Rocket Dash

Acme Rocket Dash
Acme Rocket Dash

Developer Company: Cartoon Network
Published: January 05, 2018
Game Technology: HTML5
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

About Acme Rocket Dash

Acme Rocket Dash is a thrilling browser game that casts you as a hero on a mission to save the world from a diabolical scheme. The villain plans to destroy the moon using a commandeered military satellite, and you have just one guided missile to prevent this disaster. Your task is to steer the missile using arrow keys, navigating through a barrage of ground-launched rockets and laser attacks. Along the way, you'll find crates containing valuable upgrades to help you on your mission. Keep the missile at top speed to avoid it plummeting, and collect stars to rack up extra points.

Acme Rocket Dash isn't just a fun game; it also sharpens your strategic thinking as you dodge obstacles and maintain the rocket's velocity. The game enhances hand-eye coordination by requiring precise control of the missile's flight path. Additionally, it's a fantastic way to unwind and escape from everyday stress. With its captivating storyline and addictive gameplay, Acme Rocket Dash is perfect for both casual and dedicated gamers.

How to Play Acme Rocket Dash?

  • Steer the missile using the Arrow Keys.
  • Collect stars to increase your score.
  • Pick up crates for upgrades.
  • Maintain maximum speed to avoid falling.
  • Dodge incoming rockets and lasers.

Video Gameplay - Acme Rocket Dash