Monster Typer

Monster Typer
Monster Typer

Developer Company: Arcade Lemon
Published: May 24, 2019
Game Technology: HTML5, Construct 2
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

About Monster Typer

Monster Typer is an engaging and educational browser game designed to boost your typing speed and precision. Set in a fantastical world, your mission is to defeat monsters by typing words accurately and swiftly. The quicker and more precise your typing, the more damage you deal to the creatures. However, mistyping a letter will cost you a life. Monster Typer is not just about entertainment; it's a learning tool that enhances your typing skills and broadens your English vocabulary. If you're in search of a game that combines fun with educational value, Monster Typer is the ideal pick.

Monster Typer transcends the realm of mere gaming, serving as a valuable resource for honing your typing abilities. Crafted to make learning enjoyable and interactive, this game aids in improving your typing speed and accuracy—crucial skills in our digital age. Additionally, it helps you grow your English vocabulary. The game's competitive aspect motivates you to continually enhance your skills and achieve higher levels. Thus, while enjoying Monster Typer, you'll also be acquiring a useful skill that can benefit various aspects of your life.

How to Play Monster Typer?

  • Type the words displayed on the screen using your keyboard.
  • Ensure accuracy to inflict maximum damage on monsters.
  • Avoid typing errors to prevent losing lives.

Video Gameplay - Monster Typer