Break the Worm - Adventure Time

Break the Worm - Adventure Time
Break the Worm - Adventure Time

Developer Company: Cartoon Network
Published: October 15, 2022
Game Technology: HTML5
Compatible Devices: Desktop
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux

About Break the Worm - Adventure Time

Dive into the whimsical world of "Break the Worm - Adventure Time," where Jake and Finn are plunged into a fantastical struggle against the nefarious King Worm. In this gripping online game, the duo faces a reality warped by the worm's magic, with the Kingdom of Ooo hanging in the balance. Your mission is crucial: navigate through dream-like realms to rescue the kingdom from looming darkness.

As Finn, armed with both his wits and weaponry, you'll venture through iconic locales such as the Ice Kingdom, Joshua's Dungeon, and the Candy Kingdom. Each level is a test of courage and strategy, where defeating the King Worm's minions is your primary goal. With Jake by your side offering his usual support, the game intensifies as you engage in fierce combat and navigate treacherous obstacles.

Controlling Finn is intuitive yet dynamic. Move him using the arrow keys and unleash attacks with the 'Z' key to combat the lurking enemies. To evade sudden dangers or leap over gaps, the 'X' key will be your go-to for jumps. The game doesn’t just challenge your combat skills but also your tactical thinking, especially when stronger foes appear. Here, Finn’s special attacks—like the Shark Sword and Big Legs—come into play, activated with the Spacebar for a devastating effect.

Throughout these dreamscapes, hazards are ever-present. From ice stakes that jut out of the ground to aerial assaults by evil penguins, the dangers are as varied as they are deadly. Finn's adventure is a precarious one, with only three lives to spare, making every encounter and every obstacle critical.

Yet, it's not all peril and plight. Scattered across your path are bonuses encapsulated in pink gift boxes. Punching these boxes might reveal heart refills, power boosts, or even extra lives, providing much-needed aid on your quest. Keeping a sharp eye on these rewards could be the key to achieving the highest scores and ultimately, saving the Kingdom of Ooo.

Join Finn and Jake in "Break the Worm - Adventure Time" to end this twisted nightmare. Help them defeat the King Worm and restore peace to their world, proving once again why they are the heroes of Ooo.

How to Play Break the Worm - Adventure Time?

  • Move your character using the arrow keys.
  • Press the spacebar to jump.
  • Use the Z key to attack with your fists.
  • Press the X key to swing your sword.
  • Collect items by walking over them.
  • Press the P key to pause the game.

Video Gameplay - Break the Worm - Adventure Time