Burger Stack

Burger Stack
Burger Stack

Developer Company: The Ardents
Published: October 10, 2019
Game Technology: HTML5, Construct 2
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

About Burger Stack

Imagine stepping into a vibrant cafe where you're the culinary genius behind the counter, tasked with crafting the tallest, most mouth-watering burger ever seen. Welcome to Burger Stack, a delightful browser-based game that lets you embody Tom, a young chef with a flair for burger stacking. The essence of the game revolves around speed, accuracy, and an ever-expanding array of ingredients. Your objective? To build the tallest burger possible for a local cook-off. The gameplay is straightforward yet captivating. A hand holding an ingredient hovers above a table, and your task is to release the ingredient at the perfect moment, aiming to stack it precisely on the previous one. The ultimate goal is to create the most towering and delectable burger imaginable.

Engaging with Burger Stack isn't just about entertainment; it's also a way to hone your skills. The game enhances your hand-eye coordination and reaction time as you strive to drop each ingredient with precision. It also promotes strategic thinking as you determine the optimal order for stacking your ingredients. Additionally, the game's escalating speed and complexity offer a challenge that will keep you hooked and eager for more. So why not dive into Burger Stack? It's a game that delivers as much satisfaction as the colossal burger you're aiming to build.

How to Play Burger Stack?

  • Use the mouse to left-click and drag.
  • On touch-screen devices, tap and drag to play.

Video Gameplay - Burger Stack