Pingu Friends

Pingu Friends
Pingu Friends

Developer Company: Freak X Games
Published: January 29, 2019
Game Technology: HTML5, Construct 2
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

About Pingu Friends

Imagine a group of forest friends embarking on a playful adventure with a noble cause, only to realize the potential danger that lies ahead. This is the premise of the online game Pingu Friends. The game revolves around the fear of a long and terrible fall, and it's up to you to prevent it. Your mission is to help these friends reach the top of a mountain, where a magnificent plain filled with "yummy" rewards awaits.

So how do you help them reach the top? The animals will help their friends by pushing parts of the ground underneath them. Your job is to make sure they get to the top in time. The key is to prepare and choose the perfect moment for each jump, aiming to land in the middle of the next land platform. If you do this correctly, the platform will stay in place and your character, for example a little penguin, will land safely on it. But be warned, a new platform will arrive in a split second, and missing it could result in your character being knocked down or falling off center.

Playing Pingu Friends not only provides entertainment, but also improves your timing and precision skills. The game requires players to accurately judge and time their jumps, which can help improve hand-eye coordination. In addition, the game's storyline promotes teamwork and the importance of helping others, making Pingu Friends a fun and educational experience.

How to Play Pingu Friends?

  • Tap the screen to make your character jump.

Video Gameplay - Pingu Friends