God Simulator

God Simulator
God Simulator

Developer Company: GameFirst
Published: February 28, 2022
Game Technology: HTML5, WebGL
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

About God Simulator

Ever fantasized about wielding the power to shape the cosmos? God Simulator invites you to don the mantle of a deity and craft your own universe. This engaging browser game allows you to delve into various theological doctrines, each symbolized by a distinct icon and a concise description. As you advance, you'll need to unlock a sequence of events in each chosen path. For instance, selecting the "Monotheism" icon necessitates unlocking ten events. God Simulator presents three unique gameplay modes - novice, preacher, and prophet, each offering its own set of point-based rewards. The game also tasks you with managing the worldwide dissemination of specific religious ideologies, utilizing a global map and adhering to the game's guidelines.

God Simulator delivers a distinctive gaming experience that blends strategy, creativity, and philosophical inquiry. It promotes critical thinking as you make pivotal decisions that influence the world's belief systems. The game's trio of play styles caters to a wide range of skill levels, making it accessible to both newcomers and seasoned gamers. Furthermore, God Simulator's captivating gameplay and intellectually stimulating themes set it apart in the realm of browser-based games. Embrace the divine role and experience the thrill of creation with God Simulator.

How to Play God Simulator?

  • Select your cult, difficulty level, and a country or territory to begin.
  • After choosing the territory, start accumulating believers in that area.
  • Monitor the number of years passed in the upper-right corner of the game screen.
  • Each year, make incremental progress towards the ultimate goal of universal faith in your religion.
  • Gain followers, enlighten them, and increase fanaticism to cultivate fervent adherents.