Panda Hero Fighter

Panda Hero Fighter
Panda Hero Fighter

Developer Company: Hit Games
Published: January 30, 2020
Game Technology: HTML5, WebGL
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android

About Panda Hero Fighter

Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Panda Hero Fighter, where you join a fierce Panda jet pilot on a mission to conquer the skies. As you fire up your engines and board your plane, prepare to face relentless opponents who will stop at nothing to bring you down. But remember, you're not just any pilot - you're the Panda Hero Fighter, and it's your duty to show your enemies they've messed with the wrong panda!

In Panda Hero Fighter, your panda is more than just a cute face - he's a determined warrior ready to take on any challenge. As the pilot of his plane, your goal is to earn as many points as possible by eliminating enemy planes. Navigate the game by clicking and dragging your plane around the screen, but watch out for enemy planes coming at you from all directions. As you defeat your enemies, they'll drop stars - collect as many as you can to purchase upgrades, super weapons, and power-ups to enhance your plane's performance. Keep an eye on your health bar in the top left corner and dodge enemy fire to stay in the game as long as possible.

Playing Panda Hero Fighter not only provides an exciting gaming experience, but also helps improve your hand-eye coordination and strategic thinking. The fast-paced nature of the game requires quick decisions and precise movements, improving your reflexes and concentration. Plus, the satisfaction of successfully navigating through enemy fire and collecting stars in Panda Hero Fighter is a reward in itself!

How to Play Panda Hero Fighter?

  • Control the plane by clicking and dragging.
  • Swipe on touch devices to maneuver.

Video Gameplay - Panda Hero Fighter