Tom and Jerry: Dont Make A Mess

Tom and Jerry: Dont Make A Mess
Tom and Jerry: Dont Make A Mess

Developer Company: Cartoon Network
Published: October 5, 2023
Game Technology: HTML5
Compatible Devices: Desktop
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux

About Don't Make A Mess: A Tom and Jerry Game

Get ready for some high-velocity, kitchen chaos in Don't Make A Mess: A Tom and Jerry Game. In this frenzy-filled frolic, players undertake the role of Tom, the earnest feline tasked with a domestic challenge. The perpetually troublesome Jerry has infiltrated the refrigerator and is causing utter pandemonium by hurling everything he touches. Tom's mission? To ensure that each flying article lands safely in his paws and not on the floor, creating a clatter that would undoubtedly displease his owner.

The player's job is to help Tom skillfully transport these airborne groceries from one side of the kitchen to the other, expertly stacking them on the table while skillfully dodging incoming trash. The chief aim here is to keep the chaos to a minimum - Don't Make A Mess! Thanks to its multi-device compatibility, this game is accessible to all, making it a delightful source of entertainment for everyone.

Joining in the antics of Don't Make A Mess: A Tom and Jerry Game has its perks too. It boosts your hand-eye coordination as you race against time to catch the soaring items. It also sharpens your strategic abilities as you choose which items to grab and which to dodge. A perfect blend of fun and challenge, this game is a fantastic way to pass the time. It is compatible across multiple platforms, so you can dive into it anytime, anywhere. And of course, for fans of the original Tom and Jerry tales, the game offers a nostalgic trip back to their favorite cat-mouse duo's antics.

How to Play Don't Make A Mess: A Tom and Jerry Game?

  • Control Tom's movement using the arrow keys to dart to the left or right.
  • Press the spacebar to prompt Tom to leap and snag the items.
  • Guide Tom to the stipulated area to stack the secured items on the table.
  • Steer clear from catching the undesirable trash to keep your score intact.

Video Gameplay - Tom and Jerry: Dont Make A Mess