Planet Repair Squad

Planet Repair Squad
Planet Repair Squad

Developer Company: Neuronality
Published: February 17, 2020
Game Technology: HTML5, JavaScript
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS

About Planet Repair Squad

Planet Repair Squad is a thrilling browser-based game that casts you as the commander of a UFO squad on a mission to restore planets. Set in a universe where humanity has neglected the limited nature of natural resources, leading to widespread pollution of water, land, and air, your mission is to head to Earth and rescue as many animals, birds, fish, and plants as possible from the brink of extinction. Your task involves abducting these life forms before industrial factories can obliterate them, thereby preserving the planet's ecosystem. Additionally, you have the responsibility of purifying the air from toxic emissions to maintain ecological harmony. The game is navigated using arrow keys or WASD, with left and right for movement, up for abducting and collecting, and down for dropping. Planet Repair Squad is not just a source of entertainment; it also hones your logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Engaging with Planet Repair Squad offers numerous benefits. Beyond its entertainment value, it sharpens your logical reasoning and problem-solving skills. The game also highlights the critical importance of environmental conservation and the dire consequences of irresponsible resource exploitation. Combining fun with education, Planet Repair Squad is an excellent choice for gamers of all ages.

How to Play Planet Repair Squad?

  • Move left and right using the arrow keys or WASD.
  • Press the up arrow or W to abduct and collect life forms.
  • Use the down arrow or S to drop and release life forms.
  • Gamepad support is available for enhanced control.

Video Gameplay - Planet Repair Squad