Forest Survival

Forest Survival
Forest Survival

Developer Company: Zaghough
Published: April 6, 2021
Game Technology: HTML5, WebGL
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

About Forest Survival

Forest Survival is a captivating online game that plunges you into the thrilling realm of wilderness endurance. This game pushes you to create weapons and shelters from the resources you find, all while keeping your energy up by foraging for food. The sprawling island environment offers a vast arena for your survival escapades, where you must also be ready to face off against cannibals. Forest Survival not only tests your survival skills but also keeps the excitement levels high.

In the world of Forest Survival, a mysterious portal has appeared near a quaint village, releasing waves of zombies into the forest. As these creatures advance towards the settlement, your task is to confront and neutralize the threat. Your character, equipped with a weapon, will navigate through designated areas. Upon spotting a zombie, aim your weapon and target specific body parts. Accurate shots will swiftly take down the enemies, earning you points along the way.

Playing Forest Survival offers numerous benefits. It not only delivers an exhilarating gaming experience but also enhances strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities as you navigate the wild and combat zombies. The game's immersive setting and challenging scenarios make Forest Survival an excellent choice for those seeking an intense survival game adventure.

How to Play Forest Survival?

  • Interact using the mouse.

Video Gameplay - Forest Survival