Desert Shooter

Desert Shooter
Desert Shooter

Developer Company: Yup7 Games
Published: April 28, 2020
Game Technology: HTML5, WebGL
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

About Desert Shooter

Desert Shooter is a thrilling tactical game set in a sprawling desert where warriors clash for dominance. Each character boasts unique skills and weaponry. The game includes a nimble yet fragile female sniper, a resilient but sluggish shotgun wielder, and a well-rounded submachine gunner. Occasionally, players can discover more potent weapons scattered across the map, offering a strategic advantage in combat.

Desert Shooter isn't just about relentless shooting; it’s a game that hones your accuracy and precision. With a multiplayer mode, you can either go solo or join a tournament with friends. Players select one of three characters, each armed with a distinct weapon, and navigate through an obstacle-laden course, obliterating everything in their path. Each level presents additional rewards, outfits, and weapons for swift completion. The ultimate aim is to flawlessly conquer all strength challenges.

Engaging in Desert Shooter offers numerous benefits. It serves as a training ground for enhancing accuracy and precision. The multiplayer mode fosters social interaction and teamwork. The diverse characters and weapons introduce a strategic layer that heightens the game's challenge and engagement. The extra incentives and rewards at each level keep players motivated and eager to advance. Above all, Desert Shooter delivers an exhilarating and immersive gaming experience that will keep players returning for more.

How to Play Desert Shooter?

  • Move left or right using A, D or the Left & Right Arrow keys.
  • Jump by pressing Space.
  • Shoot with the Left Mouse Button.
  • Use the knife with the Right Mouse Button.