Power Surge - Ben 10

Power Surge - Ben 10
Power Surge - Ben 10

Developer Company: Cartoon Network
Published: April 04, 2022
Game Technology: HTML5
Compatible Devices: Desktop
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux

About Power Surge - Ben 10

Power Surge - Ben 10 is a captivating browser game that stars the beloved superhero, young Ben. In this high-stakes adventure, Ben is up against a formidable challenge as technologically advanced villains have taken over the city. These foes, armed with cutting-edge gadgets, pose a serious threat. Ben, riding a one-of-a-kind flying skateboard equipped with a cannon, is the city's last line of defense. As the player, your mission is to guide Ben, maneuver his vehicle, and fend off the adversaries.

While soaring through the skies, you must dodge enemy attacks and unleash your arsenal to take down the foes efficiently. Some enemies will drop valuable items for you to collect, which will boost your power by filling a meter located in the top right corner. Once this meter reaches a certain level, Ben will transform into a more powerful version of himself, capable of dealing even greater damage to the enemies.

Engaging in Power Surge - Ben 10 offers numerous advantages. It not only delivers an exhilarating and immersive gaming experience but also enhances hand-eye coordination and strategic thinking. The game's dynamic and fast-paced nature demands quick reflexes and on-the-spot decision-making. Additionally, the transformation feature introduces an extra layer of strategy, as players must choose the optimal moment to transform Ben for maximum impact. Being a browser-based game, Power Surge - Ben 10 is easily accessible and can be played on various devices without the need for downloads or installations.

How to Play Power Surge - Ben 10?

  • Navigate using the arrow keys.
  • Fire your cannon with the Spacebar.
  • Collect power-ups by flying over them.
  • Transform Ben by pressing the T key when the meter is full.
  • Pause the game with the P key.

Video Gameplay - Power Surge - Ben 10