
12 3D 3D

Developer Company: SquareLemurs
Published: July 6, 2021
Game Technology: HTML5, Construct 3
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

About 3D 3D is a thrilling online snake game that casts you as a train conductor, pitting your skills against other player-controlled locomotives. Can you maintain your focus and outmaneuver your competitors? Before diving into the fray, you'll need to enter a nickname, which will be displayed above your train and on the player leaderboard in the top right corner of the screen. Player names will shuffle based on their progress throughout the game. Your train, along with others, will navigate a vast arena. Use your mouse to guide your train, collecting propellers and tool kits to grow in size. To make your train jump, press and hold the left mouse button. The larger your train becomes, the higher you'll climb in the player rankings. Avoid crashing into other trains to stay in the game.

Engaging in 3D offers numerous benefits. Beyond the sheer enjoyment, it hones your strategic thinking and concentration. The game demands quick decision-making and adaptability to ever-changing scenarios. It also enhances hand-eye coordination as you maneuver your train and dodge collisions. Additionally, 3D instills a sense of competition and accomplishment as you aim to ascend the leaderboards. Lastly, it provides a fantastic opportunity to connect with players worldwide, making it a truly social gaming experience.

How to Play 3D?

  • Click to boost on desktop.
  • Double tap to boost on mobile.

Video Gameplay - 3D