Kids Maths Fun

Kids Maths Fun
Kids Maths Fun

Developer Company: FG Studio
Published: September 17, 2019
Game Technology: HTML5, Construct 2
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

About Kids Maths Fun

When summer vacation rolls around, it's a joyous period for kids, especially the little ones. But during this break, some might lose touch with the basics of addition. We hope you're not among them and can tackle all the challenges in Kids Maths Fun. The game features a thrilling racing car theme, pushing you to find the correct answers. Get ready for this mathematical race! With cars revving at the starting line, a ten-second countdown, and three multiple-choice questions on the screen, you'll need to either guess or, better yet, calculate the right answer. The problems are straightforward enough that you can count on your fingers if you've forgotten the addition rules. Solve them within the ten-second limit, and you'll be ready for the next challenge.

Kids Maths Fun is more than just a game; it's an enjoyable educational tool. It helps children reinforce their addition skills during vacation, ensuring they don't forget the basics. The racing theme injects excitement into learning, making it both fun and engaging. The time constraint encourages quick thinking and enhances problem-solving abilities. Kids Maths Fun is a fantastic way to blend playtime with learning, making it a valuable game for kids.

How to Play Kids Maths Fun?

  • Use the mouse to interact with the game.