Fidget Hand Spinner

Fidget Hand Spinner
Fidget Hand Spinner

Developer Company: Homeiic Ltd
Published: March 10, 2021
Game Technology: HTML5, WebGL
Compatible Devices: Desktop
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux

About Fidget Hand Spinner

Introducing Fidget Hand Spinner, a charming digital adaptation of the beloved toy, brought to you by our innovative friends at Homeiic Ltd. This virtual spinner is rapidly gaining traction, enthralling players with its straightforward gameplay and an extensive array of spinning choices. The game boasts two primary spinner types—metal and mixed—each offering numerous variations. The highlight? You won't need to jump through hoops or shell out real cash to access your preferred spinner. Everything is available from the get-go.

Engaging with Fidget Hand Spinner offers multiple perks. Firstly, it's an excellent way to while away the time and keep your fingers occupied. Secondly, the game provides a vast selection of spinners, ensuring it remains engaging. Lastly, Fidget Hand Spinner demands no financial outlay or intricate tasks to enjoy its full range of features. It's a straightforward, enjoyable, and accessible game for everyone.

How to Play Fidget Hand Spinner?

  • Spin the fidget spinner by swiping your mouse or finger across the screen.
  • Adjust the speed and direction of the spin with additional swipes.
  • Track your spin count and speed on the on-screen display.
  • Experiment with different spinners by selecting them from the menu.
  • Enjoy the realistic physics and sensory feedback as you spin.