Side Scroller Games

The side scrolling game format is a classic and enduring type within the video game industry. Emerging in the earliest days of gaming, this style presents a 2D environment that moves horizontally as the player progresses, usually to the right. Classic titles such as Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario are quintessential examples of this format, demonstrating the broad appeal and versatility of side scrolling games across various genres.

Side-scrollers have significantly diversified over the years, branching into different thematic areas and gameplay mechanics. For instance, games like Mine Blocks and Paper Minecraft adapt the expansive world-building elements of Minecraft into a side scrolling perspective, offering players a new way to engage with familiar gameplay in a linear scroll format. Additionally, games like Basketball Legends incorporate the side scrolling mechanism into sports, allowing for an exciting blend of basketball gameplay with the traditional platform game structure.

These games still pose a considerable challenge to players today, demanding precision in platforming maneuvers and strategic gameplay decisions. Whether you're skillfully maneuvering through challenging levels, building complex structures, or competing in sports, side scrolling games provide a dynamic and enjoyable gaming experience. Explore the diverse world of side scrolling games and test your platforming abilities with some of the genre's best offerings.

What are the best free side scrolling games for gadgets and desktops?

  1. Age Of War
  2. Moto X3M 5 Pool Party
  3. Adam and Eve GO
  4. Steam Camp - Ben 10
  5. Car Eats Car: Winter Adventure
  6. Bike Mania
  7. Tractor Trial
  8. Guardians of the Galaxy: Legendary Relics
  9. Gumball - BMX Champions
  10. Adam and Eve Go 3