About Whack Games

The Whack Games genre is a unique category of games that thrive on the principle of causing harm or destruction to in-game targets - whether animate or inanimate. At face value, this may paint a seemingly dark picture. However, psychologists often affirm that these games can have therapeutic benefits when played occasionally and responsibly. From this perspective, it's not about enjoying the act of violence, but rather having a harmless channel to vent stress or frustration.

The origins of whack games can be traced back to the physical "whack-a-mole" arcade games popular in the '70s and '80s, in which players used a mallet to hit pop-up targets (usually moles) within a limited time frame. The concept, though seemingly simplistic and violent, quickly gained traction among gamers of all ages, spurring the development of today's online whack games.

What types of whack games are there?

As with any game genre, Whack Games have evolved and branched out into several sub-categories. The classic "Whack Your" series, developed by Doodie Animation Studios, is perhaps one of the most famous series of games in this category. From "Whack Your Boss" to "Whack Your Ex," these games provide a comically twisted, yet harmless way for players to vent their frustrations at various annoying personalities in their lives.

Another common type of whack game is the animal-themed game. Again, despite their seemingly violent nature, these games serve an important role in helping players deal with their fear or discomfort towards certain animals through interaction in a virtual, controlled environment.

The other popular whack games revolve around well-known celebrities, pop culture icons, politicians, or public figures. These games are often cloaked in humor and satire, providing a fun and engaging platform for players to poke fun at their least favorite figures in popular culture.

What You Can Learn from Whack Games

Despite the seemingly violent nature of these games, they can actually teach players how to deal with negative emotions in a safe, controlled way. A player may be able to vent frustration or anger in these games instead of taking it out in real life. In addition, playing whack games can train reflexes, improving hand-eye coordination and concentration.

Best Online Whack Games

Among the plethora of whack games out there, a few stand out for their ingenuity, humor, and entertainment value. Here are the top 5 picks:

  • 'Whack Your Boss' - A humorous stress reliever that allows players to "whack" a digital representation of an annoying boss in a variety of creative ways.
  • 'Whack Your Ex' - A fun game that sets up various ridiculous scenarios for players to get back at their exes.
  • 'Whack the Thief' - A home-alone style game where players set elaborate traps for a thief.
  • 'Whack the Serial Killer' - A crime-themed game with a clear mission - to whack a vicious serial killer in the most creative way possible.
  • 'Whack the Creeps' - A retro-inspired game where players fend off creepy characters in a virtual reality setting.


In conclusion, the appeal of whack games lies not in their violence, but in the therapeutic value they offer players. By serving as an outlet for the release of stress, anger, or frustration, they allow players to channel negative emotions in a responsible manner. Combine that with the addictive gameplay, and it's easy to see why whack games continue to captivate gamers worldwide.